Julian "Hule" Goddard
The Goddard Farm Retreat Ministry
Julian “Hule” (a nickname pronounced “Who-Lee”) Goddard is an ordained priest in the ACNA. He has served in ministry most of his adult life as youth pastor, associate pastor, assisting priest, traveling speaker, retreat leader, church planter, rector, and as a teacher in two universities and a seminary. He currently serves as rector emeritus at the Wilmore Anglican Church in Wilmore, KY. Hule and his wife, Loretta, have been married since 1978 and have two adult daughters and two grandchildren.
Throughout his years of ministry, discipleship has been a common foundational thread. Hule has found that often people need more than just an hour or two every few weeks or months to focus on deep struggles, life changes, woundings, marriage impasses, questions about vocation, etc. To address these unique times of life, Hule offers immersive soul care retreats, usually one-on-one but sometimes in small groups, for persons (generally men) who are pastors, ministry or business leaders, and others. Occasionally there is an opportunity for couples to do an intensive retreat. Though at times Hule meets for just an afternoon or a day with someone, the typical retreat is approximately three days and occurs near or on his farm in Wilmore, Kentucky. During this concentrated time there is face to face discipleship with Hule including spiritual direction, prayer, confession, Bible study, times of reflection and contemplation together and alone, and the retreat culminates in group prayer together with a support team that has prayed for the retreatant before and during the time of retreat. Most participants come to the ministry from referrals or personal contacts.
From Hule: “Renewal is better experienced than explained. We set ourselves apart to intentionally draw near to God’s having drawn near to us. When we enter a full immersion environment with caring others, as the scriptures declare, the secrets of our hearts are laid bare (Hebrews 4:12-13, I Cor. 14:25). There is a Spirit enabled freedom from barriers and dullness (II Cor. 3: 16-18, Isa.6: 9-10). The eyes of our hearts and minds are opened (Eph. 1:17-22, Luke 24: 30-31) and our souls, our deepest selves, find rest and renewal (Matt 11: 28-30, Eph. 4:23).”
Appointments can be made by emailing him here.